Sunday, June 12, 2016

DIscussione n. 3: WHAT AM I LEARNING FROM MY MISTAKES Scadenza martedi 14 giugno

Now that you received the first compiti with i voti, it's time to think it over:

1)  Are you studying the right way?  What are your mistakes caused by? Lack of attention? Lack of understanding of the rules? Insufficient memory work? Lackadaisical attitude?

2) explain how you study and what you should do differently to improve your grades.

3) given that the complexity of the material is very very low (at least right now), what is missing in your strategy?

COMMENT ON EACH item and REPLY to your classmates, either with suggestions or questions.

REMINDER: copy your COMMENTS (do not copy your replies) into a file. At the end of the semester you will submit it for evaluation of your blog work.


  1. 1. Viewing my grades for the first few home works so far, I would say that I am doing pretty well. The mistakes that I have encountered are minor mistakes that have to do with following directions which can be easily fixed. But, in regards to understanding the work, sometimes I am confused on how to complete certain exercises or how to format them.

    2. What I do to study is, I just reread over and over verbs and conjugations, as well as redoing exercises a day after doing them to see if I remember it. If not, I know what I have to practice and study more.

    3. Well, I am actually surprise the complexity is considered low so far when I believed otherwise haha. But, I would have to say what I am lacking most in my strategy is time. I believe that I need to create a better work/study schedule for my home works and studying and dedicate more time to improve my work ethics.

    1. Hey,

      Your method for number 2 seems pretty similar to mine. What I've found to be easy is doing the table of conjugations we had to complete last week and putting it on an index card. That way, you're able to bring it with you and study on the go.

    2. After reading your method I'm going to start doing the same! and also write them on an index card the more time we spend reading them and memorizing them the better

    3. Yes it definitely works! Let me know if you guys need help with anything as well.

  2. 1. So far my grades have been mixed. It's pretty discouraging because I also feel that sometimes I am confused on how to complete an exercise. Maybe it's just me but I feel as if the instructions can sometimes be vague.

    2. I use the same method for conjugations and vocabulary as I did when I learned French in high school which is to put them on index cards and just continue to review them a couple of times a week.

    3. After reading the above comment, I also agree. So far I did not find all of the assignments to have a low complexity. To be honest, it takes me an hour or so to complete everything from the file, to audio, and formatting. What's missing in my strategy is also time. With working all day, it's hard to find a good balance in order complete everything along with my other summer class.

    1. In regards to 1. I felt the same way, if you email the professor, he will clear it up for you. I hope you're not too discouraged after reading the other comments and seeing you're not the only one having issues.

    2. Definitely agree with you in regard to #1 some of the exercises are extremely vague and I end up just winging it and hoping that I do them the correct way.

      Definitely feel you on number 3 as well, because I am always working it does not seem of low complexity for me and takes me quite a while to complete each assignments because there are so many parts to them.

  3. 1. So far, I have not been doing very well. I get somewhat confused with the instructions which make me focus more on them then the actual work. I believe I can fix this by seeing what I did wrong on previous assignments and being more careful. I also have some grammar issues which I can fix by double checking my work.

    2. I study by going over previous lessons and focusing on aspects of the work that I am struggling with. I can do a better job, by creating a study sheet that I can take with me on the go, so I am able to dedicate more time to studying.

    3. As mentioned in the previous comments, I believe I need to manage my time better. If I distribute my time in a way that leaves me more time to study, I believe I will greatly improve. One way of doing this is studying while I'm travelling to/from work and on my breaks.

    1. 1. Thanks for the suggestion! I definitely get hung up on the instructions rather than the actual work too. I believe I can also improve by checking what previous mistakes I have made. Bringing a study sheet with you when you travel is great. I like to bring mine along for my train commute

  4. 1) So far my grades have been mixed I went from receiving perfect scores to not getting credit for one compito. I believe this has much to do with my timing for the last two assignments I didn't give myself enough time to complete the tasks. which lead me to rush and not look over mistakes. The greatest reason behind my lowering grades is the lack of time I had last week. I believe i can fix this by sticking to a strict time schedule.
    2) The way I study is reading through the material a number of times, listening to all the audio clips and repeating them as well. I need to focus on writing and re-writing words, phrases, and verb conjugations in order to improve my grades and overall learning.

    3) I believe its all about time and practice. Using the words we've studied so far I need to apply them outside of the compitos and apply them to my everyday life.Maybe even stick post it notes on items around my house that we've learned so far.

    1. Listening to audio clips is a great way to get pronunciation down pact. I also need to focus on writing and re-writing words to get grammar correct. Definitely try to incorporate index cards into your study habit so you can bring them with you wherever you go!

  5. QUESTION: how many READ or repeat out loud? It helps a lot with memory.

    1. I read out loud and I find it to be helpful, especially with remembering how to pronounce words.

  6. 1. I have been doing fairly well. I study in a functional way. I re-write vocabulary and such and then when I see the nouns in real life, I repeat it in Italian in my head or if I hear a word or phrase in English that we have learned thus far, I repeat it in my head. I try to study in a way that is as functional as possible.

    2. I review all the lessons, trying to re-write as much as possible and reading it out loud.

    3. I feel that the "complexity" of the material can vary depending on the kind of learner you are. This is an online course to learn a language which is very much a human interaction kind of field. I believe it is actually very complex to learn a language through an online course with no functional communication between people in person. Although recordings help, sometimes it is difficult to actually get the pronunciation of the words because recordings can sometimes alter the sound. I do feel that the first few homework assignments were not as clear. I also feel that the amount of information we are expected to review in a days time, and number of tasks we are expected to complete in a days time is a little much, considering I am full time worker. However, that opinion may be personal due to my circumstances.

  7. 1.So far my assignments have received decent grades. My mistakes have been in misunderstanding the assignment or what was asked, but I know that if I need to clarify something I can just ask from now on.
    2. To study, I write down the lessons, organizing conjugations and grammar rules. To simply memorize is too difficult so I practice with my sister, who has studied Italian and is pretty advanced. Putting it into practice, even when I make mistakes and learn from them,has been the method that I've used throughout my prior language learning. It is less tedious than looking at the screen and writing down words and just recording.
    3. I'd say time management is what I need to focus on. The complexity of the material is not difficult but it is heavy. Especially given the very tight deadlines, since I am taking another summer class along with working.
